We Sell Investment Ideas

Bantam Inc. is a registered investment advisor that sells investment ideas on a fiduciary and non-fiduciary basis.


Where Bantam manages the assets in separate accounts or a pooled investment vehicle.

Separate Accounts

Global Themes Strategy

  • Concentrated, global portfolio of firms positioned to benefit from dominant secular investment themes
  • Micro to large cap exposure
  • Complementary subscription to the Tarot Substack

Defense Industry Strategy

  • Concentrated, global defense industry portfolio
  • Micro to large cap exposure
  • Complementary subscription to the Tarot Substack

Economic Hardening Strategy

  • Concentrated, global portfolio of firms involved with increasing environmental resilience and hardening the built environment
  • Micro to large cap exposure
  • Complementary subscription to the Tarot Substack

Pooled Investment Vehicles


  • Concentrated portfolio of cryptocurrencies
  • Long/short hedge fund
  • Complementary subscription to the Tarot Substack


Where the idea purchaser is solely responsible for evaluating and implementing the ideas presented. (Bantam is not making a recommendation to the purchaser.)



  • Macro
  • Selected long equity ideas
  • Crypto
  • Monthly Investor Letter


  • Access to the entire portfolio with real time changes
  • Global Themes Strategy (all ideas): $500/month
  • Defense Industry Strategy: $100/month
  • Economic Hardening Strategy: $100/month

One-Off Purchases

Second Opinion Service

Get a second opinion on investments, including:

  • Individual investments
  • Portfolios/asset allocation
  • Macro exposures/risks
  • Prospectus/term sheet review
  • Analysis of fees/cost structure/incentives
  • Sanity check of projections and assumptions

Deliverables can include:

  • Written summary
    • Outline, or
    • Report
  • List of follow up questions to ask the selling party
  • Recorded Zoom call of findings


  • Billed by the hour
    • One hour minimum
  • Fixed fee pricing possible for larger engagements with clear deliverables

Defense Microcap Equity

  • In the best sector of the defense industry
  • Explosive growth opportunity
  • Revenue growing at ~ 200 percent annually
  • Could be profitable in 2025
  • One-off cost of idea: $300
  • Make Exclusive (so no one else can buy the idea): $2,000

Private Banking Business Strategy

  • Increase the quality of your client relationships
  • Separate yourself from your competitors
  • Lock the back door to client defections
  • Increase the fees you charge by 2-4x depending on client AUM and asset mix
  • Cost of Strategy: $10,000
  • Make Exclusive (so that no one else can buy the idea): $50,000

Natural Resource Equity

  • Natural Resource Equity (midcap, US): $1,000
  • Make Exclusive: $3,000
  • *** Taken off market April 8, 2024 +37% in 41 days ***

Let's Work Together

Schedule a call with Bantam CEO Jack Duval.

Thank you for reaching out. We will be in touch shortly.
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