We've Thought Deeply About the Issues that Affect Attorneys

White Papers

Bantam’s white papers continue our tradition of thought leadership in multiple areas ranging from investments, finance and economics to risk management.
De-Risking Attorney Balance Sheets
Attorneys face a unique set of risks due to their industry and firm locations. This case study unpacks those risks using the Total Wealth and Company Town Risk(tm) frameworks.
Top 5 Problems of UHNW Investor Portfolios
Most ultra-high net worth investor portfolios are afflicted by five problems that cost them in fees, performance, and increased risk. Read this white paper to learn about them and then take the one-page self-evaluation to measure your exposure to these problems.
Complexity Risk:
A New Risk Category
Investors face a risk that has gone virtually unnoticed, unmentioned, unmeasured, and which from time to time destroys their capital.  This risk arises from the complexity of investments.  In this white paper, Bantam CEO Jack Duval unpacks the elements of complexity risk and how to avoid it.
Before You Go In-House: Diligence!
Making a move from law firm partner to in-house counsel entails significant risks.Extensive due diligence is the only way to know and weigh those risks in order to evaluate an offer.In this case study, Bantam CEO Jack Duval uses a real-world example of an in-house move that went bad to bring those risks to life and to suggest other diligence that could have been undertaken.

Blog Series

Jack Duval has developed many original lines of thought in his blog posts. We have highlighted some of the bigger themes below.
NOTE: We may or may not have positions in any securities we discuss in Bantam blog posts, podcasts, videos, and other media, and may change those positions at any time.  Any securities mentioned in any Bantam media is in no way an investment recommendation.


Jack Duval interviews experts who work with entrepreneurs and family-owned businesses.

An Ill Wind
Blows Through

Analysis of the increasing risks to municipal bonds posed by the aging U.S. population, the new normal of low U.S. growth, underfunding public pensions, and rising fixed costs due to employee and retiree health care obligations.
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